Tuesday, March 18, 2008

That bracket won't float, but it will burn!

Rookie Whitney Danehy has completed her bracket and it’s clear she put some thought into it. The Committee was so impressed that we contacted Danehy for an interview. As you can see below, it got out of hand when that whole section of the office got back from lunch

Committee: You any relation to Brian Dennehey? I knows he spells it differently, but still. He reminds me a lot of my friend Tom from Chicago and I'd love to get his autograph. Tommy Boy was awesome.
Committee: Anyway, impressive bracket - for a rookie.
Whitney: Thanks.
Committee:Got to tell you though, we just don't see Drake beating UCLA in the Sweet 16. What's up with that?
Whitney: Drake? I thought they had mispelled "Duke." ……….Just kidding! Had you going there for a second, huh?
Committee: Why I oughta.....
Whitney:But seriously, Drake went 28-4, they almost beat the Gaels of St. Mary's and their best player is Adam Emmenecker. It's located in Des Moines (where the "s" is always silent) but was originally established in Oskaloosa, Iowa. What's not to like?
Committee:You know, of course, that a drake is a male duck, right?
Whitney: Er...no, I didn't. Your point?
Committee:Bear with me. Why do some brackets burn?
Whitney:B... 'cause they're made of... wood?
Committee: Correct! So, how do we tell whether your bracket is made of wood?
Clay Irby: Build a bridge out of it!
Ah, but can you not also make bridges out of stone?
Clay Irby: Oh, yeah.
Jake Hutchison: Oh, yeah. True.
Committee:Does wood sink in water?
Whitney: No.
Hope Davenport: No, it floats! It floats!
Committee: What also floats in water?
Angela Sparks:
Marianne Nichols:
Scott Looney: Uh, very small rocks!
Amy Bryant: Cider!
Kelly Fitzpatrick: Chuck Norris!
Danny Pressley:
Golf balls!
Sandy Richards: Firm flow!
Greg Gilbert: A duck!
Committee: Exactly. So, logically...
Greg Gilbert: If... her... bracket relies heavily on a team named after a duck... then it must be...made of wood!
Committee: And therefore?
Greg Gilbert: Her bracket will burn!
Committee: Precisely!
Whitney: Damn.

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