Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Crazy, Man. Just Crazy.

This really blows my mind.

A couple of black students sue their county school board for racial discrimination. Both are from "rural Williamsburg County, SC." Okay, it's still the deep South, stereotypes die hard, easy enough to believe that.

The you get to the kicker: the discrimination was inflicted by other black kids because the other black kids were "acting white."

So blacks can discriminate against other blacks on the basis of race.

"You have a culture where to act like you want to do well in school is considered acting white. And that is part of why we're saying that it was racial, even though the students were all of the same race because they weren't acting how the others thought they should be acting as members of that race," Kobrovsky said.

The inmates are running the asylum. Wouldn't America be a better place today if James Earl ray had killed Jesse Jackson instead of Martin Luther King?

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Shouldn't these guys be selling gum or something? (Click on picture to see the whole thing).

The Govenator Needs Help

Not surprised to read that Colleyfornya is going to ask for a bailout.

My suggestion for the government response?

Besides, Ahnuld, if we help you out this time we know that YOU'LL BE BACCCKKK.

In Which a Criminal/Congressman is Mocked

Obama Warns Us (Again) Not To Be Intolerant

What a great President!

In the wake of the attempted Christmas Day bombing of Northwest Airlines flight 253, President Obama, in a news conference from the Pacific White House in Hawaii, on Monday cautioned Americans to avoid “lashing out against folks in puffy underpants.”

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, 23, the son of a wealthy Nigerian banker, faces charges of attempting to destroy an airliner by detonating a high explosive sewn into what the FBI described as “boxers or briefs … but clearly not adult incontinence undergarments.”
Now this is funny:

Only one carry on? No electronics for the first hour of flight? I wish that, just once, some terrorist would try something that you can only foil by upgrading the passengers to first class and giving them free drinks.

Gitmo, Schmitmo

Gee whiz. You mean the guys in Gitmo that the lefties wanted released really were bad guys?

Damn that George Bush! Sure glad we have Barack now! He won't be so soft on the bastards...

Some day we'll wake up realize that we are at war with radical Islam. Maybe we'll even realize that war sucks. A lot of people get killed, some of whom will be innocent, no matter how "surgical you try to be.

But I doubt it. If you want to win a war, you have to reconcile yourself with this fact: the wars of the past were fought with soldiers. The wars of today (well, pretty much every war since Vietnam) are fought by soldiers who battle against those who wear no uniforms and act in complete and utter disregard for the law of war. They are vermin.

You cannot fight them on conventional terms.

If you have rats or roaches in your house you can try a surgical, one rat or roach at a time, approach. It might work sometimes, especially if there are few rats or roaches. Or you can go Armageddon on them and try to obliterate them all. If the latter you are likely to kill things you'd rather not, but you are also more likely to be successful.

So when Abdul and Mohammad - known bad guys - hide out in a village, you can try a house to house search. It'll work sometimes; you might find them.

Or you can destroy the whole village. It works every time.

It's a terrible approach, of course, except for the fact that it works. And if the bad guys don't play by the rules we don't have many meaningful options, do we?

Think I am being too harsh? Many people do; I get that. But let me throw a little history at you: Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Dresden, Tokyo. We weren't even fighting soldiers in these instances - we just wanted to break the back of the enemy.

And we did.

That's why they call it war.

That's why Sherman observed that "War is Hell." After he burned Atlanta to the ground.

It's the only way to fight a war too - brutal, bloody, violent. Enough with the candy ass approach. It doesn't work - it never has and it never will.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Hillary..a Commie? So says the Washington Post

I am not making this up.

[Secretary of State Clinton] offered an innovation: The Obama administration, she said, would “see human rights in a broad context,” in which “oppression of want — want of food, want of health, want of education, and want of equality in law and in fact” — would be addressed alongside the oppression of tyranny and torture. “That is why,” Ms. Clinton said, “the cornerstones of our 21st-century human rights agenda” would be “supporting democracy” and “fostering development.”

This is indeed an important change in U.S. human rights policy — but the idea behind it is pure 20th century. Ms. Clinton’s lumping of economic and social “rights” with political and personal freedom was a standard doctrine of the Soviet Bloc, which used to argue at every East-West conference that human rights in Czechoslovakia were superior to those in the United States, because one provided government health care that the other lacked. In fact, as U.S. diplomats used to tirelessly respond, rights of liberty — for free expression and religion, for example — are unique in that they are both natural and universal; they will exist so long as governments do not suppress them. Health care, shelter and education are desirable social services, but they depend on resources that governments may or may not possess. These are fundamentally different goods, and one cannot substitute for another.

Liberalism didn't used to be so closely aligned with the "Soviet Bloc." It is now. Too bad, as they have some good ideas. Not many, but a few. But Obama moves us closer to facism every day in ways little and not so little.

I Hate the TSA, but then...Doesn't Everyone?

The TSA makes Gomer Pyle look like Einstein. Yet another reason why Obamacare would suck in every way imaginable. Another screw-up, so the TSA comes down with some new air travel restrictions after being outwitted by yet another retarded Muslim terrorist.

Go to hell. Go directly to hell. Do not pass go.

I already get the body cavity search because I have an artificial hip and set off all the alarms. This will make flying even better. I hate the [insert expletive TSA. I'd almost prefer they take out another plane and then we'd just nuke Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, get the picture.

Other thoughts: BAN ALL MUSLIM MALES BETWEEN THE AGES OF 18-35. Not a perfect system, either, but it can't be worse and it might be better. I know it will make your travel experience better.

Seriously, though, you should read this.

Transportation Security Administration
Aviation Security Directive
Subject: Security Directive
Number: SD 1544-09-06
Date: December 25, 2009
EXPIRATION: 0200Z on December 30, 2009
This Security Directive (SD) must be implemented immediately. The measures contained in this SD are in addition to all other SDs currently in effect for your operations.
INFORMATION: On December 25, 2009, a terrorist attack was attempted against a flight traveling to the United States. TSA has identified security measures to be implemented by airports, aircraft operators, and foreign air carriers to mitigate potential threats to flights.
ACTIONS REQUIRED: If you conduct scheduled and/or public charter flight operations under a Full Program under 49 CFR 1544.101(a) departing from any foreign location to the United States (including its territories and possessions), you must immediately implement all measures in this SD for each such flight.
1. The aircraft operator or authorized air carrier representative must ensure all passengers are screened at the boarding gate during the boarding process using the following procedures. These procedures are in addition to the screening of all passengers at the screening checkpoint.
1. Perform thorough pat-down of all passengers at boarding gate prior to boarding, concentrating on upper legs and torso.
2. Physically inspect 100 percent of all passenger accessible property at the boarding gate prior to boarding, with focus on syringes being transported along with powders and/or liquids.
3. Ensure the liquids, aerosols, and gels restrictions are strictly adhered to in accordance with SD 1544–06-02E.
2. During the boarding process, the air carrier may exempt passengers who are Heads of State or Heads of Government from the measures outlined in Section I.A. of this SD, including the following who are traveling with the Head of State or Head of Government:
1. Spouse and children, or
2. One other individual (chosen by the Head of State or Head of Government)
3. For the purposes of Section I.B., the following definitions apply:
1. Head of State: An individual serving as the chief public representative of a monarchic or republican nation-state, federation, commonwealth, or any other political state (for example, King, Queen, and President).
2. Head of Government: The chief officer of the executive branch of a government presiding over a cabinet (for example, Prime Minister, Premier, President, and Monarch).
1. During flight, the aircraft operator must ensure that the following procedures are followed:
1. Passengers must remain in seats beginning 1 hour prior to arrival at destination.
2. Passenger access to carry-on baggage is prohibited beginning 1 hour prior to arrival at destination.
3. Disable aircraft-integrated passenger communications systems and services (phone, internet access services, live television programming, global positioning systems) prior to boarding and during all phases of flight.
4. While over U.S. airspace, flight crew may not make any announcement to passengers concerning flight path or position over cities or landmarks.
5. Passengers may not have any blankets, pillows, or personal belongings on the lap beginning 1 hour prior to arrival at destination.

Now THAT is Funny!

From the Wall Street Journal, the Top 10 Worst Technology Predictions of all time:

"The Americans have need of the telephone, but we do not. We have plenty of messenger boys," Sir William Preece, chief engineer at the British Post Office, 1878.

"Who the hell wants to hear actors talk?" H.M. Warner, Warner Bros., 1927.

"I think there is a world market for maybe five computers," Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, 1943.

"Television won't be able to hold on to any market it captures after the first six months. People will soon get tired of staring at a plywood box every night," Darryl Zanuck, 20th Century Fox, 1946.

"The world potential market for copying machines is 5,000 at most," IBM executives to the eventual founders of Xerox, 1959.

"There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home," Ken Olsen, founder of mainframe-producer Digital Equipment Corp., 1977.

"No one will need more than 637 kb of memory for a personal computer—640K ought to be enough for anybody," Bill Gates, Microsoft, 1981.

"Next Christmas the iPod will be dead, finished, gone, kaput," Sir Alan Sugar, British entrepreneur, 2005.

Besty is really interested in personal aircraft so she can get around quicker and won't have to give the finger to so many incompetent drivers.

Moe, Larry, Curly and Homeland Security

I am not making this up.

These clips would be hilarious if not for the fact that this woman is in charge of Homeland Security, Immigration and a bunch of other important stuff. I don’t think she could match wits with a Kardashian.

Interview 1: Sunday

Interview 2: This Morning. Clearly her observation that “the system worked” from the first interview was taken out of context. Uh, except when she admits that “the system failed horribly.”

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Monday, December 21, 2009


Normally I wouldn't post something like this, but damn it, it's the truth. I could have embedded the video, but you need to be reading more.

If you see injustice, STAND UP
If something needs to be said, SPEAK UP
If you make an appointment, SHOW UP
If you make a mistake, FESS UP
If you’re overstepping, BACK UP
If you get behind, CATCH UP
If they knock you down, GET UP
If you’re out of line, STRAIGHTEN UP
When your boss instructs, KEEP UP
When your elders speak, LISTEN UP
When your teachers teach, SIT UP
When your preachers preach, WAKE UP
When your country calls, MAN UP
Ladies too... WOMAN UP
When the fight is over, MAKE UP
If you’re being hard, EASE UP
If your heart is closed, OPEN UP
If you want to buy something, SAVE UP--
It’s not an entitlement, so SHUT UP!
If you make a mess, CLEAN IT UP
If you drop trash, PICK IT UP
If a car is waiting for you to
walk across the street, SPEED IT UP
If you’re cold busted, GIVE IT UP
If people fall down, HELP THEM UP--
Not the government, YOU STEP UP
If idiots start fighting, BREAK IT UP
If the music is wholesome, TURN IT UP
If the message is poisonous, THROW IT UP
If your words are vulgar, CLAM IT UP
If your words encourage, KEEP IT UP
If your pants are baggy, PULL THEM UP
If the belt’s too loose, CINCH IT UP
If your fly is down, ZIP IT UP
If you’re dressed half naked, COVER IT UP
If you can’t afford stuff, PASS IT UP--
No “bailouts” folks, PONY UP
If you made a promise, you BACK IT UP
And you can take your whining and PACK IT UP
It’s called personal responsibility, so TAKE IT UP
This country was founded on it, you can LOOK IT UP
It’s the American way people, so TURN IT UP
Because when life gets boring, you SHAKE IT UP
When life is good, you SOAK IT UP
When life’s unfair, you SUCK IT UP
When life is funny, you can YUCK IT UP
When life is sad, just LOOK STRAIGHT UP
And life’s too short people, so LIVE IT UP!

My only complaint would be along the lines of:

If your name is Barack Obama, SHUT THE F*&^ UP.

Health Care Reform

Let's assume for a second that there is a shred of evidence to suggest that a health care system with a substantial government component has merit to it.

For the record, I do support some health care reform. Of course, What I support has nothing in common with what the Dems in Congress have produced.

Let's assume further that the Government can do things cheaper and better (or at least as good as) than private entrepreneurs, without sacrificing the quality.

You with me? Let's go further and presume that Government can establish statutory wage limits for its executives that prevent the bloated salaries, super bonuses, perqs, and other sweetheart arrangements (like health insurance) that are part and parcel of the private entrepreneurial system.

Why in the world would we stop with the health care industry?

I mean, if Government could do those things, what's the downside?

WHAT? Are you implying that Government can't do those things?

Reality is a bitch, ain't it?


You probably saw that Obama was asked how he would rate his first year in office. His response, "A nice, solid B+."

I have several explanations for this answer.

(a) He's smoking crack (again.)

No. I guess I only have one explanation. Anyway, along the same lines, I cam across this: Other Things That Would rate a B+ on the Obama Grading Scale

Tiger had rated his marriage so far a B+.

Charles Manson’s efforts on reforming… hmm… I’d say that’s a solid B+.

Landing of the Hindenburg is a good, solid B+. A- if it were on time.

Hitler’s relationship with the Jews: B+.

My avoiding Godwin’s Law: B+.

D’oh! Accidentally burnt down the house! Now my home owner’s insurance is going to rate me a B+.

As an apostle, I rate Judas a B+.

Somali pirates’ efforts at defending against Navy SEALs: B+

Rubber is rated a B+ on the electrical conductivity scale.

Current newspaper subscription levels: B+

The show Heroes since the first season: B+

“I don’t know how to tell you this… Let’s just say your body’s ability to fight cancer is a solid B+.”

My wife rated my sexual prowess a B+!

Rosie O’Donnell’s knowledge of materials engineering: B+

“I’m real sorry, Dad, but your car… well, its condition is now a B+.”

A nuclear bomb reduces everything within a few miles to B+ conditions.

Bumblebees: B+

Rabies cure for Old Yeller: B+

The faithful get eternal life in Heaven. Everyone else gets a B+.

“The terrorists say if we don’t soon meet their demands, the situation will become B+.”

New western coming out: “The Quick and the B+”

Darth Vader rated his relationship with his children a B+.

Need to let the dog out so she can do a B+.

* * * *

B+ — it’s the new FAIL. What do you rate a B+?

Christmas Shopping

Took the Samster shopping today.

Son of a bee sting...the traffic takes all the fun out of it. But I kept my finger holstered. Sure, a choice word escaped my lips every now and then, but otherwise it was all good.

First stop was Guitar Center. Even though I know nothing about the place or music in general, I must say that everyone that works there is really nice and very helpful. I think Guitar Center employees should be in charge of teaching other retail clerks who they are supposed to do their jobs.

The converstaion bewteen Sam and this nice kid, Andrew, went something like this:

Sam: Dude.

Andrew: Duuude.


Andrew: Awesome, man! What do you like to play?



Sam: Sure. I mean, who doesn't? But I am more into BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH right now.

Andrew: 'kay. Let's start you out with this BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH $499.

Me: What?

Andrew: Is that too much?

Me: I can't hear you over the sound of heart pounding.

But we ended up getting a nice amp. Well, I think it's nice. Sam likes it, and that's what really matters. I know it was expensive.

But you can't take it with you, right?

Ted Kennedy is Dead and I Don't Feel So Good Myself

Seriously, though...I feel fine.

I just can't resist any opportunity to knock Fat Ted.

In fact, when I first heard about this new TV show, GLEE, back in the fall, I thought it was a reference to his death.

Now I must focus my evil powers on that rat bastard, KKK-loving, never worked an honest day in his life, has done more to ruin this country than almost anyone in history (but only because he has lived so long): Robert Byrd.

One at a time, baby. One at a time.