Monday, March 29, 2010

Shut know the rest

Okay, so Obama made some recess appointments over the weekend.

Big deal. Every President makes recess appointments. It's his administration. Let him have his own people. If they are total screw ups or card carrying commies that will get out (see also, Anita Dunn, Van Jones).

To listen to the Republicans you'd think zombies are attacking. Come to think of it, I kind of wish they would attack Washington. But I digress.

Note to Republicans: Don't be such cry babys! Nobody likes a cry baby. Or a hypocrite.

Note to Democrats: Just shut up. You are a bunch of hypocrites, too.

Note to my left of center friend Tammy: Sure glad there is no media bias!

Here is the NY Times in 2006:

It is disturbing that President Bush has exhibited a grandiose vision of executive power that leaves little room for public debate, the concerns of the minority party or the supervisory powers of the courts. But it is just plain baffling to watch him take the same regal attitude toward a Congress in which his party holds solid majorities in both houses.

Seizing the opportunity presented by the Congressional holiday break, Mr. Bush announced 17 recess appointments -- a constitutional gimmick that allows a president to appoint someone when Congress is in recess to a job that normally requires Senate approval. The appointee serves until the next round of Congressional elections.

This end run around Senate confirmation was built into the Constitution to allow the president to quickly fill vacancies that came up when lawmakers were out of town, to keep the government running smoothly in times when travelers and mail moved by horseback and Congress met part time.

Modern presidents have employed this power to place nominees who ran into political trouble in the Senate. Presidents Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton made scores of recess appointments. But both of them faced a Congress controlled by the opposition party, while the Senate has been under Republican control for Mr. Bush's entire five years in office.

In some cases, Mr. Bush has used the recess appointment power to rescue egregiously bad selections that would never pass muster on grounds of experience and competence. (Remember last year's recess appointment of the undiplomatic and Congressionally unacceptable John Bolton as ambassador to the United Nations.) In other cases, he has merely sought to avoid logjams that the White House created for itself by refusing to accommodate reasonable Democratic requests for information, documents and consultation.

Here is the NY Times editorial on the same subject today:

Oh wait! There is no editorial today, because the NY Times says that recess appointments are bad only when Republicans do it. Come to think of it, they think that everything Republicans do is bad (and a lot of it is). If Democrats do the exact same thing, well, that's just good government at work. Ends justify means.

Ditto CBS, ABC, NBC, PBS, CNN and MSNBC. Fox is the same, just in reverse.

I don't care that the media is biased. What I care about is that they pretend that they aren't. Everyone has their biases! Duh!

And the most biased people are those who say they aren't biased.

And yeah, I am still pissed about Kansas State, Baylor and Kentucky losing this weekend.

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