Friday, March 12, 2010

I am Not Making This Up, Part XIII

Lindsay Lohan is suing the E-Trade baby. The end of the world is near. From the New York Post:

Lindsay Lohan is suing the financial company E-Trade, insisting that a boyfriend-stealing, “milkaholic” baby in its latest commercial — who happens to be named Lindsay — was modeled after her. And she wants $100 million for her pain and suffering, The Post has learned.


Lohan’s lawyer, Stephanie Ovadia, said the actress has the same single-name recognition as Oprah or Madonna.

I JUST WET MYSELF I AM LAUGHING SO HARD. The Post story continues:

“Many celebrities are known by one name only, and E-Trade is using that knowledge to profit,” Ovadia said.

“They used the name Lindsay,” Ovadia said. “They’re using her name as a parody of her life. Why didn’t they use the name Susan? This is a subliminal message. Everybody’s talking about it and saying it’s Lindsay Lohan.”

I believe that Lindsay Lohan would have us all believe that a typical office conversation goes like this:

Me: Good Morning.
Bev: Enough small talk, what do you think of the latest round of E-Trade baby commercials that everyone is talking about? That baby is Lindsay Lohan, or as I call her, Lindsay.
Me: Duh!

UPDATE: Alert reader Mark king writes: "I thought they were referring to Lindsay Wagner, the Bionic Woman. Thanks for clearing that up.

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