Saturday, March 20, 2010

Meanwhile, On the Healthcare Front

From The Atlantic:

On the eve of the possible passage of a health care bill, Arizona has provided a glimpse of our possible future by shutting down its SCHIP program and booting a bunch of people out of Medicaid. . . . The reason this is so troubling, of course, is that the new proposed health care plan gets about half of its coverage expansion through adding people to Medicaid. The state side of this expense doesn’t show up on the books as a government expenditure (neatly enabling the bill to get a lower CBO score), but someone in America has to be taxed to pay for it, and there is a big problem when tax revenues fall short of the required expenditure

It's not like the whole thing is a massive sham that will fail miserably to accomplish its stated objective and bankrupt the country.

Social Security? Failure
Medicare? Failure
Medicaid? Failure
healthcare Reform? Failure

Well intentioned all, but failures all. Ponzi schemes always fail.

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