Tuesday, March 24, 2009

In Which I Recall Moments from My Past

When the boys were little I used to make up stories to tell them at bedtime. I had this whole alternate history version of "Where the Wild Things Are" in which the creatures were Hillary Clinton, Al Gore, Jesse Jackson, et al.

I still think I woiuld like to retire and write children's stories because so many suck these days. (Ever read "Everyone Poops"? Enough said.)

Children stories are supposed to have sharp edges and teach harsh lessons. None of this kuumbaya can't we all get along crap.

Anyway, I was researching some story lines over the weekend, and I need your help. Which story should I write, based on the title?

1. The Adventures of Covan the Brown-haired
2. Asmund and Signy
3. Beauty and Pock Face
4. The Death of Koschei the Deathless
5. The Enchanted Pig
6. The Giant Who Had Yes, Yes in his Eyes But No Nose on his Face

These are all real stories, of course But if you copy one guy, it's plagiarism. Copy seven guys and it's research.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Death of Koschei the Deathless. Has a certain ring to it.