Thursday, January 8, 2009

What the Future Holds

It's common to look back at the past and identify ideas that were widely held 100 or 200 years ago that seem shocking or barbaric or ridiculous today. When this happens, we pat ourselves on the back for being so much more enlightened than our ancestors. But it seems unlikely that we've somehow reached the end of this process: I would guess that in 100 years, folks will look back at us just like we look back at people 100 years ago.

So here's the question: What are the ideas or practices that are uncontroversial and widely accepted today — and that you personally find unobjectionable — that you think might be seen as barbaric or immoral one hundred years from now?

To clarify, ideas or practices that you personally find barbaric or immoral today aren't eligible. You can't just predict that some day the world will realize you were right, and that your minority opinion will become majority opinion. Rather, the idea is to try to identify things that you actually don't find all that objectionable that you can imagine being seen as immoral or otherwise outrageous a century from now.

A few thoughts:

1. Teletubbies
2. Tax Season
3. McRib
4. Cubicles
5. Islam is a religion of peace
6. Al Gore/Global Warming
7. Real Housewives of Orange County
8. IRS
9. Nancy Pelosi
10. Billable Hours

Technically, I think that last one may already qualify as barbaric and inhumane.

This gets me to a point I’ve made before that’s worth making again: people in the future are pretentious *&^%$#@s. Where the @#$% do those effete pansies get off looking down on me? If I ever get my hands on a time machine I am coming after them. And what are those useless future sissies going to do other than cry about it? Nothing.

I’m your ancestor, bitches. You respect me.

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