Friday, January 30, 2009

This is Just Disturbing

Anyway, another of my least favorite people EVER is Katie F. Couric. I think she should be institutionalized. Or shot. I'm flexible here.

Because her news broadcast on CBS routinely draws a smaller audience than re-runs of Two and a Half Men (Who watches that? I mean, really. Who watches that?), they have given her "ALL ACCESS" to the Grammys.

You knew this had to be good, and it is!

Here she is interviewing Lil Wayne, whom I assume to be a rapper. (And I was right!)

Watch CBS Videos Online

Maybe "interviews" is the wrong word. She looks at Lil Wayne with a straight face while he talks. Is it me, or is this dude completely nuts?

There's nothing creepier than a crazy person who speaks in complete sentences. Truman Capote should be writing about this guy.

And how's this for informative: "He's a gangsta, and gangstas don't ask questions."

Did. Not. Know. That.

I am definitely re-thinking my opposition to the death penalty after watching this guy.

You have to hand it to Katie, though. I haven't seen her this intent on keeping her "serious journalist face" intact since she interviewed Sarah Palin.

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