Sunday, March 20, 2011

Mark Brumbelow Interview

Today our interview is with a person who is an eminent scholar, musician and golfer as well as the ruler of the Roman Empire in a past life, Mark Brumbelow.

Our Correspondent: Good Morning Sir.
MB: Yes, Good Morning.

Correspondent: Mark please tell our readers more about yourself.

MB: OK. I like pina coladas. And getting caught in the rain. I am not into yoga. I AM into champagne.Okay, not really. I just like the meter of those lines.

Correspondent: Which is the happiest moment in your life?
MB: Te day I left Madison, Wisconsin. Either that or when Kelly Clarkson won American Idol.

Correspondent: Which is the saddest moment in your bracket?
MB: Morehead State over Louisville. No question.

Correspondent: What do you think which is your favorite quote?
MB: "I came, I saw, I conquered." I really like that one.

Correspondent: What is your first career?
MB: I started out with Dave Letterman as a member of Paul Shafer's Band. But I gave that up for a chance to compete on Wheel of Fortune. I had a shot to win a million bucks when the idiot next to me tried to buy a vowel when all the vowels were still on the board. I started laughing so hard I scared Vanna White. They cut to commercial and the next thing next you know I'm taking the CPA exam. Damn you Vanna White!

Correspondent: Guess that must have been hard?
MB: What the CPA Exam? Naw...piece of cake. What was really hard was not getting to shake Pat Sajak's hand. Still have no gotten over that.

Correspondent: There is a rumor that you are having an affair with Cleopatra VII, is it true?
Caesar: I am not going to answer this one. Don't ask too much of personal question. Proceed to your next question.

Correspondent: Sorry.

Correspondent: What do you think your greatest achievement in life?
MB: I was a studio musician for Michael Jackson on his Thriller album.

Correspondent: Really?

MB: No. Gotcha, didn't I? [Brumbelow laughs massively; walls shake]

Correspondent: You haven't been to Japan recently, have you?

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