Sunday, February 14, 2010

A Cookbook? I mean, really... a cookbook?


We are going to have a firm wide cookbook.

I started working this afternoon on recipes I'd want to offer. Harder than it looks.

Even remembering the ingredients is a challenge, since I tend to cook more by taste and what is available than a specific recipe.

But what is really challenging is trying to provide meaningful instructions. Like you know how, when you get something at Lowe's and read the instructions it's obvious that the person who wrote them (a) is Korean (b) never assembled what you are assembling because he left a bunch of steps out (c) has assembled it so many times he forgot to mention basic stuff and let a bunch of steps out and (d) I'm pissed because I didn't take French in high school and my German is rusty so I can't even read the non-English instructions which probably suck as much as the English instructions.

And it's 27 degrees in the garage and my beer is frozen.

Son of a bee sting.

But I digress.

Explaining how to do something is hard. I don't forgive the Korean who wrote the instructions for my garage door or those Legos I had to assemble when the kids were little (talk about pressure!), but I understand now that writing instructions is not as easy as it looks.

Also I figure I can't swear, and that just makes it thst much harder.

So basically I like to cook, but once you get past light the grill it is hard to explain how to cook something, and I worry that whoever is reading MY recipe will screw it up and the dish will be awful and their family will have really bad gas that night.

It's like the pressure of building Legos for a three year old or buying a Valentine's Day present your wife actually likes.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I bought Eve a TV to watch while she's on the treadmill.

I cannot believe you are at work with beer that may burst at any moment. If you need help drinking some to mitigate the danger, let me know.