Saturday, February 20, 2010

You Can't Spell "Integrity" without the 'C' in 'CNN'...Oh Wait...

True, I hold most (okay, all) news organizations in low esteem. I find their commentators to be doltish, hypocritical and biased in fully 8 out of 10 cases on average. And CNN's coverage of, well, anything, borders on the "in need of psychotropic drugs" category.

I offer the following in support of the foregoing.

The topic: The Tea Party Movement. CNN doesn't like the Tea Party Movement. CNN also doesn't understand the Tea party Movement.

Or math.

Or english.

Activists in the Tea Party movement tend to be male, rural, upscale, and overwhelmingly conservative, according to a new national poll.

A CNN/Opinion Research Corp. survey released Wednesday also indicates that Tea Party activists would vote overwhelmingly Republican in a two-party race for Congress. The party's GOP leanings, the poll suggests, may pose a problem for the Tea Party movement if it tries to turn itself into a third party to compete with the two major parties in this year's general election.

Got it? It's a bunch of wealthy, angry white men from the sticks. Because most of the "upscale" white men in the America live in rural areas.

According to the survey, roughly 11 percent of all Americans say they have actively supported the Tea Party movement, either by donating money, attending a rally, or taking some other active step to support the movement. Of this core group of Tea Party activists, 6 of 10 are male and half live in rural areas.

Nearly three-quarters of Tea Party activists attended college, compared to 54 percent of all Americans, and more than 3 in 4 call themselves conservatives.

Wait a minute...6 in 10 are male? And 50% (which is technically the same as "half") live in rural areas. If that is the standard for overwhelming doesn't it follow that Americans "overwhelmingly" oppose Obamacare, too?

And if 3 out of 4 describe themselves as "conservative" how can it also be true that "according to the survey, most Tea Party activists describe themselves as Independents."

Is CNN really as stupid as this article makes them appear?

Clearly the answer is yes.

Even Sarah Palin would probably agree that CNN is retarded.

Here's a crazy thought: could it be that most Americans hate the Democrats and the Republicans? Is it possible that a plurality of Americans favor Republicans at the moment simply because they aren't Democrats, who seem intent at the moment on being the party of complete ineptitude? Is there a chance that a lot of Americans were willing to give President Obama a chance, but after a year in office have concluded that (a) he has broken all of his campaign problems, (b) doesn't seem to know what's he's doing and (c) is kind of, well, a liar?

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