Thursday, February 11, 2010

Another Huge Advance in Fashion

I don't know how I missed it, but there is a huge issue that 60 Minutes and the trial lawyers who advertise at 2 am completely missed: people CANNOT drink tea when they wear a blanket and pajamas to watch TV.

I never really thought of blankets as being comfortable to wear...I mean, isn't that why they came up with the Snuggie in the first place?

Those zip-on slippers are kind of awesome. Probably hot, too - but not hot as in sexy. More like "Hey, mama, my feet are sweatin'" hot.

We tend to underestimate the power of technology. But if we can use technology to create something like this then there is no telling what we can accomplish!

"Marshmallow Soft" is a new type of fleece (more technology!) and it's probably made from recycled marshmallows.

Victoria's Secret, I think you missed a real opportunity here.

Apparently what women really want to do is to wear the same pajamas they wore as children. And I know why. For years it's been "Aw, honey, I have a headache." But with the HoodieFootie they can say "Aw, honey, I'd love to! But I just put on my HoodieFootie, so, you know...."

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