Monday, May 10, 2010

Obama Woods

I continue to find it interesting that Obama has played golf more in the first 16 months of his Presidency than Bush played in his entire 8 years in office, especially since it was, like, winter for at least 6 months in that time span.

It doesn't especially bother me that he plays a lot of golf.

It bothers me that the media excoriated Bush for playing golf in times of crisis, but there isn't a peep out of them for Obama doing the same thing. There was a major flood in Nashville. Perhaps he hasn't heard about it yet?

I also recall the hilarity that ensued when George Bush I discovered scanners in grocery stores (although he'd been Vice President and President for the intervening 12 years and probably didn't make a lot of trips to the supermarket during the period
when scanners were introduced. Over the weekend Obama claims he doesn't know how to work an iPod or an iPad.

Again, nary a word is said.

Obama is awfully thin skinned; the man has zero tolerance for criticism. Then again, I can't name a single fascist leader who was terribly open to criticism.

"You're coming of age in a 24/7 media environment that bombards us with all kinds of content and exposes us to all kinds of arguments, some of which don't always rank all that high on the truth meter," Obama said at Hampton University, Virginia.

He's right about that. I mean, Janet Napolitano told us, mere moments after the failed Times Square bombing, the the responsible party was probably an isolated nut job and not a terrorist, and NY Mayor Bloomberg told us it was probably some guy who hated Obamacare. That's just crazy talk!

Why, how many Americans were shocked to learn it was some Muslim named Faisal? Outside of the administration and the media, I'll bet the answer is zero.

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