Saturday, July 2, 2011

Bon jour, bitches! Trip to France, Part 1

Okay, so I am sitting at the airport in Knoxville. The big day is finally here. Been waiting for months. Very excited, of course.

My excitement takes many forms. The first leg of the trip is a short flight to Charlotte. Easy squeeze lemon leash, as they say. Well, maybe not "they" literally - but I have heard Michael Caine say it and it really sounds cool when he does.

anyway, right now my focus is on one thing: SkyMall. I.Love.SkyMall. It's like a magazine full of dumb infomercials. My current favorite is the "Garden Yeti" statue. For just $115 you get a realistic looking statue of Bigfoot for your garden or patio. It's only four feet tall, but it is still pretty cool.

You know you want one.

Okay, I need a beer before I fly, even a short leg. Nerves. Also, it's my vacation. Need to get the BAC to the appropriate level.

Until next time, au revoir.

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