Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Crazy, Man. Just Crazy.

This really blows my mind.

A couple of black students sue their county school board for racial discrimination. Both are from "rural Williamsburg County, SC." Okay, it's still the deep South, stereotypes die hard, easy enough to believe that.

The you get to the kicker: the discrimination was inflicted by other black kids because the other black kids were "acting white."

So blacks can discriminate against other blacks on the basis of race.

"You have a culture where to act like you want to do well in school is considered acting white. And that is part of why we're saying that it was racial, even though the students were all of the same race because they weren't acting how the others thought they should be acting as members of that race," Kobrovsky said.

The inmates are running the asylum. Wouldn't America be a better place today if James Earl ray had killed Jesse Jackson instead of Martin Luther King?

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Shouldn't these guys be selling gum or something? (Click on picture to see the whole thing).

The Govenator Needs Help

Not surprised to read that Colleyfornya is going to ask for a bailout.

My suggestion for the government response?

Besides, Ahnuld, if we help you out this time we know that YOU'LL BE BACCCKKK.

In Which a Criminal/Congressman is Mocked

Obama Warns Us (Again) Not To Be Intolerant

What a great President!

In the wake of the attempted Christmas Day bombing of Northwest Airlines flight 253, President Obama, in a news conference from the Pacific White House in Hawaii, on Monday cautioned Americans to avoid “lashing out against folks in puffy underpants.”

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, 23, the son of a wealthy Nigerian banker, faces charges of attempting to destroy an airliner by detonating a high explosive sewn into what the FBI described as “boxers or briefs … but clearly not adult incontinence undergarments.”
Now this is funny:

Only one carry on? No electronics for the first hour of flight? I wish that, just once, some terrorist would try something that you can only foil by upgrading the passengers to first class and giving them free drinks.

Gitmo, Schmitmo

Gee whiz. You mean the guys in Gitmo that the lefties wanted released really were bad guys?

Damn that George Bush! Sure glad we have Barack now! He won't be so soft on the bastards...

Some day we'll wake up realize that we are at war with radical Islam. Maybe we'll even realize that war sucks. A lot of people get killed, some of whom will be innocent, no matter how "surgical you try to be.

But I doubt it. If you want to win a war, you have to reconcile yourself with this fact: the wars of the past were fought with soldiers. The wars of today (well, pretty much every war since Vietnam) are fought by soldiers who battle against those who wear no uniforms and act in complete and utter disregard for the law of war. They are vermin.

You cannot fight them on conventional terms.

If you have rats or roaches in your house you can try a surgical, one rat or roach at a time, approach. It might work sometimes, especially if there are few rats or roaches. Or you can go Armageddon on them and try to obliterate them all. If the latter you are likely to kill things you'd rather not, but you are also more likely to be successful.

So when Abdul and Mohammad - known bad guys - hide out in a village, you can try a house to house search. It'll work sometimes; you might find them.

Or you can destroy the whole village. It works every time.

It's a terrible approach, of course, except for the fact that it works. And if the bad guys don't play by the rules we don't have many meaningful options, do we?

Think I am being too harsh? Many people do; I get that. But let me throw a little history at you: Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Dresden, Tokyo. We weren't even fighting soldiers in these instances - we just wanted to break the back of the enemy.

And we did.

That's why they call it war.

That's why Sherman observed that "War is Hell." After he burned Atlanta to the ground.

It's the only way to fight a war too - brutal, bloody, violent. Enough with the candy ass approach. It doesn't work - it never has and it never will.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Hillary..a Commie? So says the Washington Post

I am not making this up.

[Secretary of State Clinton] offered an innovation: The Obama administration, she said, would “see human rights in a broad context,” in which “oppression of want — want of food, want of health, want of education, and want of equality in law and in fact” — would be addressed alongside the oppression of tyranny and torture. “That is why,” Ms. Clinton said, “the cornerstones of our 21st-century human rights agenda” would be “supporting democracy” and “fostering development.”

This is indeed an important change in U.S. human rights policy — but the idea behind it is pure 20th century. Ms. Clinton’s lumping of economic and social “rights” with political and personal freedom was a standard doctrine of the Soviet Bloc, which used to argue at every East-West conference that human rights in Czechoslovakia were superior to those in the United States, because one provided government health care that the other lacked. In fact, as U.S. diplomats used to tirelessly respond, rights of liberty — for free expression and religion, for example — are unique in that they are both natural and universal; they will exist so long as governments do not suppress them. Health care, shelter and education are desirable social services, but they depend on resources that governments may or may not possess. These are fundamentally different goods, and one cannot substitute for another.

Liberalism didn't used to be so closely aligned with the "Soviet Bloc." It is now. Too bad, as they have some good ideas. Not many, but a few. But Obama moves us closer to facism every day in ways little and not so little.

I Hate the TSA, but then...Doesn't Everyone?

The TSA makes Gomer Pyle look like Einstein. Yet another reason why Obamacare would suck in every way imaginable. Another screw-up, so the TSA comes down with some new air travel restrictions after being outwitted by yet another retarded Muslim terrorist.

Go to hell. Go directly to hell. Do not pass go.

I already get the body cavity search because I have an artificial hip and set off all the alarms. This will make flying even better. I hate the [insert expletive TSA. I'd almost prefer they take out another plane and then we'd just nuke Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, get the picture.

Other thoughts: BAN ALL MUSLIM MALES BETWEEN THE AGES OF 18-35. Not a perfect system, either, but it can't be worse and it might be better. I know it will make your travel experience better.

Seriously, though, you should read this.

Transportation Security Administration
Aviation Security Directive
Subject: Security Directive
Number: SD 1544-09-06
Date: December 25, 2009
EXPIRATION: 0200Z on December 30, 2009
This Security Directive (SD) must be implemented immediately. The measures contained in this SD are in addition to all other SDs currently in effect for your operations.
INFORMATION: On December 25, 2009, a terrorist attack was attempted against a flight traveling to the United States. TSA has identified security measures to be implemented by airports, aircraft operators, and foreign air carriers to mitigate potential threats to flights.
ACTIONS REQUIRED: If you conduct scheduled and/or public charter flight operations under a Full Program under 49 CFR 1544.101(a) departing from any foreign location to the United States (including its territories and possessions), you must immediately implement all measures in this SD for each such flight.
1. The aircraft operator or authorized air carrier representative must ensure all passengers are screened at the boarding gate during the boarding process using the following procedures. These procedures are in addition to the screening of all passengers at the screening checkpoint.
1. Perform thorough pat-down of all passengers at boarding gate prior to boarding, concentrating on upper legs and torso.
2. Physically inspect 100 percent of all passenger accessible property at the boarding gate prior to boarding, with focus on syringes being transported along with powders and/or liquids.
3. Ensure the liquids, aerosols, and gels restrictions are strictly adhered to in accordance with SD 1544–06-02E.
2. During the boarding process, the air carrier may exempt passengers who are Heads of State or Heads of Government from the measures outlined in Section I.A. of this SD, including the following who are traveling with the Head of State or Head of Government:
1. Spouse and children, or
2. One other individual (chosen by the Head of State or Head of Government)
3. For the purposes of Section I.B., the following definitions apply:
1. Head of State: An individual serving as the chief public representative of a monarchic or republican nation-state, federation, commonwealth, or any other political state (for example, King, Queen, and President).
2. Head of Government: The chief officer of the executive branch of a government presiding over a cabinet (for example, Prime Minister, Premier, President, and Monarch).
1. During flight, the aircraft operator must ensure that the following procedures are followed:
1. Passengers must remain in seats beginning 1 hour prior to arrival at destination.
2. Passenger access to carry-on baggage is prohibited beginning 1 hour prior to arrival at destination.
3. Disable aircraft-integrated passenger communications systems and services (phone, internet access services, live television programming, global positioning systems) prior to boarding and during all phases of flight.
4. While over U.S. airspace, flight crew may not make any announcement to passengers concerning flight path or position over cities or landmarks.
5. Passengers may not have any blankets, pillows, or personal belongings on the lap beginning 1 hour prior to arrival at destination.

Now THAT is Funny!

From the Wall Street Journal, the Top 10 Worst Technology Predictions of all time:

"The Americans have need of the telephone, but we do not. We have plenty of messenger boys," Sir William Preece, chief engineer at the British Post Office, 1878.

"Who the hell wants to hear actors talk?" H.M. Warner, Warner Bros., 1927.

"I think there is a world market for maybe five computers," Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, 1943.

"Television won't be able to hold on to any market it captures after the first six months. People will soon get tired of staring at a plywood box every night," Darryl Zanuck, 20th Century Fox, 1946.

"The world potential market for copying machines is 5,000 at most," IBM executives to the eventual founders of Xerox, 1959.

"There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home," Ken Olsen, founder of mainframe-producer Digital Equipment Corp., 1977.

"No one will need more than 637 kb of memory for a personal computer—640K ought to be enough for anybody," Bill Gates, Microsoft, 1981.

"Next Christmas the iPod will be dead, finished, gone, kaput," Sir Alan Sugar, British entrepreneur, 2005.

Besty is really interested in personal aircraft so she can get around quicker and won't have to give the finger to so many incompetent drivers.

Moe, Larry, Curly and Homeland Security

I am not making this up.

These clips would be hilarious if not for the fact that this woman is in charge of Homeland Security, Immigration and a bunch of other important stuff. I don’t think she could match wits with a Kardashian.

Interview 1: Sunday

Interview 2: This Morning. Clearly her observation that “the system worked” from the first interview was taken out of context. Uh, except when she admits that “the system failed horribly.”

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Monday, December 21, 2009


Normally I wouldn't post something like this, but damn it, it's the truth. I could have embedded the video, but you need to be reading more.

If you see injustice, STAND UP
If something needs to be said, SPEAK UP
If you make an appointment, SHOW UP
If you make a mistake, FESS UP
If you’re overstepping, BACK UP
If you get behind, CATCH UP
If they knock you down, GET UP
If you’re out of line, STRAIGHTEN UP
When your boss instructs, KEEP UP
When your elders speak, LISTEN UP
When your teachers teach, SIT UP
When your preachers preach, WAKE UP
When your country calls, MAN UP
Ladies too... WOMAN UP
When the fight is over, MAKE UP
If you’re being hard, EASE UP
If your heart is closed, OPEN UP
If you want to buy something, SAVE UP--
It’s not an entitlement, so SHUT UP!
If you make a mess, CLEAN IT UP
If you drop trash, PICK IT UP
If a car is waiting for you to
walk across the street, SPEED IT UP
If you’re cold busted, GIVE IT UP
If people fall down, HELP THEM UP--
Not the government, YOU STEP UP
If idiots start fighting, BREAK IT UP
If the music is wholesome, TURN IT UP
If the message is poisonous, THROW IT UP
If your words are vulgar, CLAM IT UP
If your words encourage, KEEP IT UP
If your pants are baggy, PULL THEM UP
If the belt’s too loose, CINCH IT UP
If your fly is down, ZIP IT UP
If you’re dressed half naked, COVER IT UP
If you can’t afford stuff, PASS IT UP--
No “bailouts” folks, PONY UP
If you made a promise, you BACK IT UP
And you can take your whining and PACK IT UP
It’s called personal responsibility, so TAKE IT UP
This country was founded on it, you can LOOK IT UP
It’s the American way people, so TURN IT UP
Because when life gets boring, you SHAKE IT UP
When life is good, you SOAK IT UP
When life’s unfair, you SUCK IT UP
When life is funny, you can YUCK IT UP
When life is sad, just LOOK STRAIGHT UP
And life’s too short people, so LIVE IT UP!

My only complaint would be along the lines of:

If your name is Barack Obama, SHUT THE F*&^ UP.

Health Care Reform

Let's assume for a second that there is a shred of evidence to suggest that a health care system with a substantial government component has merit to it.

For the record, I do support some health care reform. Of course, What I support has nothing in common with what the Dems in Congress have produced.

Let's assume further that the Government can do things cheaper and better (or at least as good as) than private entrepreneurs, without sacrificing the quality.

You with me? Let's go further and presume that Government can establish statutory wage limits for its executives that prevent the bloated salaries, super bonuses, perqs, and other sweetheart arrangements (like health insurance) that are part and parcel of the private entrepreneurial system.

Why in the world would we stop with the health care industry?

I mean, if Government could do those things, what's the downside?

WHAT? Are you implying that Government can't do those things?

Reality is a bitch, ain't it?


You probably saw that Obama was asked how he would rate his first year in office. His response, "A nice, solid B+."

I have several explanations for this answer.

(a) He's smoking crack (again.)

No. I guess I only have one explanation. Anyway, along the same lines, I cam across this: Other Things That Would rate a B+ on the Obama Grading Scale

Tiger had rated his marriage so far a B+.

Charles Manson’s efforts on reforming… hmm… I’d say that’s a solid B+.

Landing of the Hindenburg is a good, solid B+. A- if it were on time.

Hitler’s relationship with the Jews: B+.

My avoiding Godwin’s Law: B+.

D’oh! Accidentally burnt down the house! Now my home owner’s insurance is going to rate me a B+.

As an apostle, I rate Judas a B+.

Somali pirates’ efforts at defending against Navy SEALs: B+

Rubber is rated a B+ on the electrical conductivity scale.

Current newspaper subscription levels: B+

The show Heroes since the first season: B+

“I don’t know how to tell you this… Let’s just say your body’s ability to fight cancer is a solid B+.”

My wife rated my sexual prowess a B+!

Rosie O’Donnell’s knowledge of materials engineering: B+

“I’m real sorry, Dad, but your car… well, its condition is now a B+.”

A nuclear bomb reduces everything within a few miles to B+ conditions.

Bumblebees: B+

Rabies cure for Old Yeller: B+

The faithful get eternal life in Heaven. Everyone else gets a B+.

“The terrorists say if we don’t soon meet their demands, the situation will become B+.”

New western coming out: “The Quick and the B+”

Darth Vader rated his relationship with his children a B+.

Need to let the dog out so she can do a B+.

* * * *

B+ — it’s the new FAIL. What do you rate a B+?

Christmas Shopping

Took the Samster shopping today.

Son of a bee sting...the traffic takes all the fun out of it. But I kept my finger holstered. Sure, a choice word escaped my lips every now and then, but otherwise it was all good.

First stop was Guitar Center. Even though I know nothing about the place or music in general, I must say that everyone that works there is really nice and very helpful. I think Guitar Center employees should be in charge of teaching other retail clerks who they are supposed to do their jobs.

The converstaion bewteen Sam and this nice kid, Andrew, went something like this:

Sam: Dude.

Andrew: Duuude.


Andrew: Awesome, man! What do you like to play?



Sam: Sure. I mean, who doesn't? But I am more into BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH right now.

Andrew: 'kay. Let's start you out with this BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH $499.

Me: What?

Andrew: Is that too much?

Me: I can't hear you over the sound of heart pounding.

But we ended up getting a nice amp. Well, I think it's nice. Sam likes it, and that's what really matters. I know it was expensive.

But you can't take it with you, right?

Ted Kennedy is Dead and I Don't Feel So Good Myself

Seriously, though...I feel fine.

I just can't resist any opportunity to knock Fat Ted.

In fact, when I first heard about this new TV show, GLEE, back in the fall, I thought it was a reference to his death.

Now I must focus my evil powers on that rat bastard, KKK-loving, never worked an honest day in his life, has done more to ruin this country than almost anyone in history (but only because he has lived so long): Robert Byrd.

One at a time, baby. One at a time.

Saturday, June 27, 2009


It's now official. I support the armed overthrow of the US government and the summary execution of everyone in Washington. I do not give a damn if they are Democrats or Republicans, black or white, male or female. That whole town is such a massive charlie foxtrot we have to destroy everything and start over from scratch.

Now I know (if anyone reads this) many would regard this as too harsh.

But they are wrong.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Best Line about The Elizabeth & John Edwards Saga

From Dennis Miller:

"Is it possible to tear someone who is one a new one?"

Too Cool.

The Big Wheel. Brings to mind the glory days of the American auto industry.

Who Do You Believe?

Here is a good, impartial assessment of the Nancy Pelosi "They never told me they were being mean to captured terrorists ever...okay they told me, but not when they say they did" scandal.

We need more of this.

All politicians lie. Most are lawyers, so only a moron would expect otherwise. The issue is about what, and how brazen is the lie.

Most of these "lies" have a kernel of truth buried in them so they can deny it's lie with some measure validity. Some are so obviously in-your-face false (e.g., "I did not have sex with that woman, Miss Lewinsky", anything Obama says about taxes or economics) that the speaker effectively forfeits the right to be believed about anything.

Nancy Pelosi? I say let's waterboard her on national TV and see what happens.

But here is a brutally honest summary of the whole sorry affair"

Republicans are delighting in the prospect of taking the anti-torture high ground away from Democrats in general, and Pelosi in particular. That's a foolish hope for the GOP. These policies were conceived, defended, and implemented by a Republican administration. Still, it's a mistake to treat this as a partisan matter. It now seems clear that top Democratic leaders like Pelosi knew about the policy, and chose not to challenge it.

After participating in the secret briefings, Pelosi apparently saw little way to change course until Democrats took control of Congress and the White House. Still, it would be nice to see if CIA notes on those confidential briefings showed her at least raising private doubts about those techniques.

See, Republicans, though technically right, are acting like morons, making the whole thing a petty partisan soundbite. I really don't care what we do to these terrorists at Gitmo; I am comfortable that we are not torturing them. Simply put, torture doesn't work. We want to think it does, but history shows otherwise. That's the case I want Republicans to make: we need to grow a pair as a nation and stop acting like a bunch of pussies. We can't have it both ways.

Pelosi - a rank hypocrite who doesn't give a damn about anything unless there is a political point to be scored.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Joe Biden Disease - It's a Pandemic!

Joe Biden, our Vice President, is clinically brain dead. Since his ascension to power, however, this condition has spread rapidly across the country. Case in point, the new credit card law waiting on Barack M.F. Obama's desk this morning.

Here is the NY Times report on the same.

Banks are expected to look at reviving annual fees, curtailing cash-back and other rewards programs and charging interest immediately on a purchase instead of allowing a grace period of weeks, according to bank officials and trade groups.

“It will be a different business,” said Edward L. Yingling, the chief executive of the American Bankers Association, which has been lobbying Congress for more lenient legislation on behalf of the nation’s biggest banks. “Those that manage their credit well will in some degree subsidize those that have credit problems.”

As they thin their ranks of risky cardholders to deal with an economic downturn, major banks including American Express, Citigroup, Bank of America and a long list of others have already begun to raise interest rates, and some have set their sights on consumers who pay their bills on time. The legislation scheduled for a Senate vote on Tuesday does not cap interest rates, so banks can continue to lift them, albeit at a slower pace and with greater disclosure.

Once again, it's not the idiot who runs up a big credit card bill he or she cannot afford who is at fault. Nooooo! It's the credit card companies! See a trend here? This has been a major theme in American life for decades, a lie propagated by liberals and adopted, albeit grudgingly and/or unconsciously, by the rest of us.

But wait! This article needs an outrageous quote from some monkey dick who purports to be an expert. And here it is:

“There will be one-size-fits-all pricing, and as a result, you’ll see the industry will be more egalitarian in terms of its revenue base,” said David Robertson, publisher of the Nilson Report, which tracks the credit card business.

People who routinely pay off their credit card balances have been enjoying the equivalent of a free ride, he said, because many have not had to pay an annual fee even as they collect points for air travel and other perks.

“Despite all the terrible things that have been said, you’re making out like a bandit,” he said. “That’s a third of credit card customers, 50 million people who have gotten a great deal.”

This is what I love the most. Follow the letter and spirit of the contract? You're a freeloader! You're getting a great deal! Too good, in fact. So in a way, this mess is sort of your fault.

Mr. Robertson, you can suck it. There is no free lunch. I pay every month on time and never pay interest. The credit card companies would not extend credit to me if there was nothing in it for them. But wait...THERE IS! They get 1-3% of the purchase price.

Go wipe the drool off of your chin, Mr. Robertson.

And buried toward the bottom of the article, where you will always find the truth if our dying newspaper industry needs to kill some space, is a bit of common sense:

Robert Hammer, an industry consultant, said the legislation might have the broad effect of encouraging card issuers to become ever more reliant on fees from marginal customers as well as creditworthy cardholders — “deadbeats” in industry parlance, because they generate scant fee revenue.

“They aren’t charities. They have shareholders to report to,” he said, referring to banks and credit card companies. “Whatever is left in the model to work from, they will start to maneuver.”

And there you have it. Contrary to the Obama business model, these companies are not charities. If they can't make money, they go out of business. Very simple concept.

So why is it half the country doesn't get it?

I Never Understood Nancy & Sluggo. This I Get.

This is Just Crazy!

No, not Chris' shocking win over Adam on American Idol.

This. The headline says it all:

The obesity epidemic in the US is due solely to increased food intake

Melbourne, Australia - The amount of food Americans eat has been increasing since the 1970s, and that alone is the cause of the obesity epidemic in the US today. Physical activity—or the lack thereof—has played virtually no role in the rising number of expanding American waistlines, according to research presented at the 2009 European Congress on Obesity in Amsterdam last week.

First off, REALLY? What's next - the startling announcement that drug-abusing prostitutes in Thailand have a high risk of contracting HIV?

Second, lack of exercise played "virtually no role." WTF? Because I see 300 pounders running all the time. Did these imbeciles ever consider the origins of the term "couch potato"?

Third, yet another example of a vital study (which probably cost millions) that I could have handled for free AND YIELDED FAR MORE RELIABLE RESULTS!

GOD, WHY ARE YOU PUNISHING ME? Why did you put so many morons on earth at the same time as me?

But it gets better.

Lead author Dr Boyd Swinburn (an idiot from Deakin University in Melbourne, Australia) says that "If Americans want to get serious about winning the battle of the bulge, they are going to have to cut down on the amount of food they eat."

Wow. Totally did not see that coming.

Swinburn, who is director of the World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Obesity Prevention, (obviously an institution that should be stripped of all funding now that we have these results in hand), goes on to tell us that " it won't be easy" because "The food industry has done such a great job of marketing their products, making the food so tasty that it's almost irresistible, pricing their products just right, and placing them everywhere, that it is very hard for the average person to resist temptation. Food is virtually everywhere, probably even in churches and funeral parlors."

That's right. It's not our fault. We are all just victims of the evil food industry. Right away you know that Swinburn is your typical gasbag liberal douche bag who absolves individuals from all blame for their problems no matter how obvious it is that said problems are self-inflicted.

Dr. Swinburn, I'd like to offer a simple explanation to the problem.

To paraphrase Descartes, "If I eat [too much], therefore I'm fat." Eat less, exercise more.

Another problem solved. Boyd, you can suck it.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Tax News of Interest

California is run by idiots (Democrats) and a Republican Governor who got elected by saying he wanted to fix the budget system.

It's not the voters. Yeah we all want more than we can chew. But LEADERSHIP is reminding folks that there is such a thing as reality. So what if you get voted out for telling the truth? In the end, the truth ALWAYS wins out.

I want California to declare bankruptcy because it's the only way to introduce (well, re-introduce) sanity to this country. In this life you get what you deserve in the end, and that's what California deserves.

I know it will be very painful. But it's the right thing to do. Hell, it's the only thing to do.

Which of course means that [insert unprintable expletives here] Obama and Pelosi will bail the stupid basards out, which in turn will unleash a tidal wave of bad consequences. On the bright side, we'll find out if a single member of Congress has any balls.

Unlikely. An earthquake is more likely.

Should be a war crime against the American people. Then we could hang these bastards.

Caddyshack. Guliani. Two Great tastes that Go Great Together.

Not. Making. This. Up.

In an opinion peppered with golf references and a quote from "Caddyshack" star Bill Murray, a federal magistrate has recommended the dismissal of a lawsuit brought by Rudolph Giuliani's son over his booting from Duke University's varsity golf team.

In a lawsuit filed last year, Andrew Giuliani, 23, claimed that the North Carolina school breached a contract when it dropped him from the golf team in early-2008. The school (and coach Orrin Daniel Vincent III) countered by saying that Giuliani was bounced for a variety of boorish acts, including assaulting a teammate, defying coaches, and violating "both the rules and the spirit of the game of golf."

In an opinion issued yesterday, Magistrate Judge Wallace W. Dixon sided with Duke in its bid for a judgment against Giuliani. A copy of Dixon's May 19 opinion, which will now likely be adopted by a U.S. District Court judge, can be found below. Dismissing one Giuliani claim, Dixon wrote that the misplaced argument "brings to mind Carl Spackler's analysis" from "Caddyshack": "He's on his final hole. He's about 455 yards away, he's gonna hit about a 2 iron, I think." Though no longer on the golf team, Giuliani graduated this month from Duke, so he's got that going for him

This is great on so many levels. Andrew is a total DB and has been for years. But a Carl Spackler reference in a federal court opinion?

This judge would definitely be the next Supreme Court nominee if there were any justice in this world.

For the uninitiated, a portion of the the actual movie script:

So I jump ship in Hong Kong and make my way over to Tibet, and I get on as a looper at a course over in the Himalayas. A looper, you know, a caddy, a looper, a jock. So, I tell them I'm a pro jock, and who do you think they give me? The Dalai Lama, himself. Twelfth son of the Lama. The flowing robes, the grace, bald... striking. So, I'm on the first tee with him. I give him the driver. He hauls off and whacks one - big hitter, the Lama - long, into a ten-thousand foot crevasse, right at the base of this glacier. Do you know what the Lama says? Gunga galunga... gunga, gunga-galunga. So we finish the eighteenth and he's gonna stiff me. And I say, "Hey, Lama, hey, how about a little something, you know, for the effort, you know." And he says, "Oh, uh, there won't be any money, but when you die, on your deathbed, you will receive total consciousness." So I got that goin' for me, which is nice.

In Which Besty Reminds Me I am a Pig

Olivia Wilde is not only one of television's hottest break-out stars, but she is also the woman Megan Fox has described as “so sexy, she makes me want to strangle a mountain ox.”

While it has to be quite an honor, Wilde, 25, says she is a little skeptical of the recent girl-crush fad, but is passionate about animal rights and willing to do what it takes to keep them safe.

In the June 2009 issue of GQ magazine, on newsstands May 26, she jokes, “of course, anything I can do to save the mountain ox, I’m happy to do,” in response to the suggestion she make out with Fox to save the poor little ox.

I'd insert pictures, but Besty, evil genius that she is, has put some sort of voodoo on her computer that precludes this. But the guys who read this would understand.


The Pope has his own You Tube channel.

There should be a commandment that precludes this.

Just saying.

You Want Irony? I'll Give You Irony!

Facts: Dude gets drunk in Chicago. Tries to throw brick through window of the Apple Store. Brick cracks window but bounces away with window intact.

Analysis: Amazing.

Rationale: First time in history that Windows didn't crash and Apple happens to be involved.

There is a God and He has a wicked sense of humor.

Obviously Obama Voters Involved

You just have to read this one.

Where to begin?

A game of tag with a flame and lighter fluid has sent an unidentified man to Harborview Medical Center in Seattle to be treated for serious injuries, said the Clallam County Fire District No. 2 chief.

Volunteer paramedics and emergency medical technicians were called to an area 2 miles east of Port Angeles at about 8 p.m. Monday, said Fire Chief Jon Bugher.

Bugher said several people had been playing a game called "lighter tag," which involves squirting themselves with lighter fluid and then lighting the clothing of the person who is "it."

The tagged person beats the flames out before "tagging" another person.

Bugher refused to name the person who was burned, give his age, or say exactly where he was when he was burned, citing the patient privacy law of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or HIPAA.

Without a name, hospital personnel cannot report the condition of a patient.

Bugher said he was told by people at the residence that lighter tag is a new fad, but this is the first incident he has heard of in Clallam County.

"To be honest with you, in my mind, I was just stunned," he said.

"It sure scared us."

He added, "If people are doing this, if they are teenagers or young adults, they are really putting themselves at risk.

"If someone comes home and their clothing looks singed or burned, people need to be asking and be aware."

Although Clallam County sheriff's deputies weren't called to investigate, Sheriff Bill Benedict said he will look into the incident to see if criminal charges would be appropriate.

Benedict said this is also the first time he has heard of such a game.

Citing privacy laws, Bugher also declined to say how many people he believed were playing lighter tag.

If you are this bloody stupid you have waived the right to privacy, right?

Unbelievable...but true!

You always here about these "studies." I believe in science. I believe research is important. But we have funded some bloody ridiculous stuff.

Try this one on.

The federal government is spending $178,000 to better understand why drug-abusing prostitutes in Thailand are at greater risk for HIV infection, an endeavor taxpayer watchdogs are calling a huge waste of American taxpayers' money.

I know what you're thinking. You're thinking I made this up. But no, it's true. Everyone involved and everyone who approved it. I mean EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE VILLAGE IDIOTS, should be fired immediately because I can handle this one from the comfort of my laptop.

Q: Why are drug-abusing prostitutes in Thailand are at greater risk for HIV infection?

A: Because they are drug abusing prostitutes.

I'll bet even Joe Biden could have figured that one out.

The cost of my research? FREE. The difference between my research findings and what you will hear on NPR next year? NOTHING. Potential savings for the American taxpayer? $178,000.

Closing the budget deficit one idiot at a time.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Joe Biden, V.I.

Joe Freaking Biden.

WTF. I mean, WTF.

Seriously, this guy is such a buffoon that he'd need two or three promotions before he'd make village idiot. And he's just a heartbeat away from being the most powerful man in the world.

You gotta love this country.

But seriously, I have a solution.

American Idol.

I think everyone agrees that Kara is kind of not working out on AI. Not her fault. Paula is a tough act to follow. But how else could you compete with the raw, intoxicated and unintelligible power that is Paula Abdul?

Two words, my friend: Joe Biden.

Just think about it. There is no downside that I can see, and while it might not be more entertaining, it's certainly safer.

I'm Back, Baby

Wow. Haven't blogged in almost one month. Tragic really. But back to business.

Steven King, when asked what was the distinguishing characteristic that identified someone as a writer, responded simply, " Writers write." Now many people that's kind of a silly answer, but I think it is perfect. Indeed, it's the paradigm response to anyone who claims that there are no black and white answers in this world. Sure, we live in a nuanced world filled with gray. No sane person would quarrel with that. To go further, I believe it is not unreasonable to conclude that our world is primarily gray.

You know why that is?

Because black and white - like everything else in the freaking universe - are in a constant battle for supremacy. And just like on Lost neither can win in the long run. Sure, on a given issue here or there white or black will reign supreme, but in the end nature always prefers equilibrium.

BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN THERE ARE NO BLACK AND WHITE ANSWERS. All it means is that "all things in moderation" is pretty damned good advice. But it's not the end of the story.

There are universal truths. They are finite in number and usually transcend religion, culture or nationality. But they do exist.

All we have to do is open our minds and find them.

I'll start with this: writers write.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I Was Told There Would Be No Math

These Obama guys just kill me. They are starting make Bush look like a skin flint.

When he received complaints about the $8 billion in pork laden earmarks in the latest Appropriations bill, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs described the amount at issue as small and insignificant.

Yesterday, when President Obama announced he would find a way to cut $100 million of wasteful spending, the same Robert Gibbs said:

"Only in Washington, D.C., is $100 million not a lot of money," Gibbs said. "It is where I'm from. It is where I grew up. And I think it is for hundreds of millions of Americans."

Even Paul Krugman, the most liberal voice in America, agrees that this is a joke.

Let’s say the administration finds $100 million in efficiencies every working day for the rest of the Obama administration’s first term. That’s still around $80 billion, or around 2% of one year’s federal spending.

Except, of course, Obama isn't talking about $100 million per day. He's talking about $100 million total. That's .00002857%. Sweet.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

What a Bunch of Pansies

Somali Freaking Pirates

The US says it is working with other governments to tackle piracy by Somali pirate vessels on high seas, describing it as a 'serious issue' that Washington cannot solve alone.

A few thoughts.

First, whatever the UN says, do the opposite. Just generally a good rule of thumb until that organization gets its head out of its ass, which I think highly unlikely.

Second, this isn't complicated. International law is (or was, until pansies started to have a say in things) very clear. I could care less if we go in guns a blazing or if we call in Steven Segal for a stealth attack or if we just wait them out. But when it ends, you shoot them on the spot and throw their bodies in the ocean as shark food.

There is no middle ground here. Piracy has been around for centuries and it has always been handled this way. It's what Thomas Jefferson did, and if it was good enough for him it ought to be good enough for us.

Once again, history is very clear on this. You give in to these bastards and they'll keep doing it until no one is safe on the high seas. Which is of course what the pansies will do.

Pansies cause more death in the name of peace than all the generals in history combined. You could look that up.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Ach Du Lieber!

A helicopter rescue team was sent out after screams were heard in a German forest only to find a man laughing loudly at a new book.

A woman called emergency services after she said she could hear someone being tortured because she heard someone "screaming" for three hours.

The rescue team found Roland Hofmann and ordered him to give up and release his hostage.

Hofmann was shocked and explained to police he had gone into the forest to read "in peace and quiet" and was reading a book that him laugh out loud.

It's not clear what book the man was reading.

Roland Hofmann, I want to party with you, sir.

Paging Mr. Obvious

The sign in front of the home said it all: "This is NOT the crackhouse."

Uh, if you need to put that sign on your house odds are pretty good you need to move anyway.

Canadians. They're crazy.

Signs of the Apocalypse, Part 5

Is Waffle House Historic?

It's an icon in metro Atlanta. Now Waffle House might become a historical landmark.

An application is before the DeKalb Historical Preservation Committee to make Waffle House #1, on East College Avenue, a historic property.

There's a public hearing on the matter at the Maloof Center next week.

That particular Waffle House no longer serves it up scattered, smotherer and cover. It's been turned into a museum.

Didn't Know They Kept Such Records

CHARLOTTE, N.C., April 9 /PRNewswire/ -- Fertility specialists of Reproductive Endocrinology Associates of Charlotte (REACH) herald the successful birth of a baby girl March 4 who was conceived through in vitro fertilization (IVF) at their laboratory with sperm frozen for 21 years, which they believe ties the world record for the longest-frozen sperm used to create a baby with IVF.

Not even a freezer burn?

Wisdom. It's Free.

Very seldom do crises occur without government being at or near the root of the problem.

From Now On Every Time I Make a Mistake

I am just going to say, "Jacob made me do it."

I think it just might work.

Yeah, I Am Going to Hell. Your Point?

See, this is so bad it is hilarious. It's Great Odin's Raven! hilarious.

Reason No. 1,237 Why Liberals are Disingenuous

The irony here is deeper than the Mariana Trench.

First, they want to paid for their opinions, which, oh, I don't know, kind of suggests that those same opinions are not freely held. Which is kind of, I don't know, corrupt and dishonest. I thought they hated the whole quid pro quo arrangement between politicians and lobbyists/special interests and all that?

Second, notice how those who espouse socialism are bloodthirsty capitalists all of a sudden. Now they are "small businessmen struggling to survive."

I'd say these folks are unprincipled but that would be an insult to unprincipled people. Why anyone would ever listen to them boggles my mind.

Why Not Hold the Somali Pirates Hostage?

This is freaking brilliant.

I Think He Is Serious

I am pretty sure, however, that he should be an organ donor.

Here is the backdrop:

On April 15th, hundreds of thousands of PO’d red meat eatin’ Americans will converge on the streets to protest the Obama administration’s policies and platforms.

No big deal, right? I mean, I seem to recall a few folks getting together and protesting the Iraq War and other policies of the Bush Administration. Kind of what the First Amendment contemplates - the whole "petition the government for redress of grievances" thing.

But noooooooo........

In reality, their ‘movement’ is incredibly divisive, a mindset that stands in sharp contrast to Obama’s calls for bipartisanship in this time of great national need. Their arguments have the potential to divide the country along titanic lines not seen since the bloody days of the Civil War. Think I’m exaggerating here? The Tea Party movement is an incredibly dangerous concept, fuelled by the usual gushes of sycophantic support from the conservative news media.

So, if I disagree with Obama then too bad, I have to just suck it?

Apparently, the answer is yes...but it's even worse!!!

If the country continues down this dark path, a second Civil War might not just be a cool idea for a sci-fi novel anymore. Can you imagine the potential for chaos if some of these ‘protesters’ decide to exercise the Second Amendment and bring their weapons to these rallies? There’s a thin line between peaceful protest and bloodthirsty patriotic fervor, especially if those protesting are used to being on the side of the mighty status quo.

Whoa! Dude, it's just a protest. Kind of a big leap from protesting policies which are admittedly socialist to civil war, don't you think?

And I hope the protesters fail in their mission to bring their message to a national audience. It’s a message of fear, prejudice and, quite frankly, hate.

Anti-tax = hate? Did. Not. Know. That.

But it gets better.

President Obama was elected democratically, according to the doctrines set forth by the Founding Fathers. The Tea Party movement represents a real danger to the tenets of democracy Americans have embraced for centuries.

Last I checked the Founding Fathers were kind of inspired by and following through on principles espoused at the original [Boston] Tea Party, and foremost among these was "no taxation without representation."

Are there really people this stupid out there, and are they all Obama supporters?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I'm Guessing He Didn't Like It

Man shoots himself during "Watchmen" movie.

I heard it wasn't very good.

That Darn Obama

Some one should tell him that Austrians speak, um, German.

I wonder if he knows Brazilian or American?

I thought Bush was the idiot. Okay, he kind of was.

But still.

Interesting Reading

You have to love any article with the term "Crap Assets" in the title.

So basically here's a couple of chaps who are saying that everything the government is trying to do to save us is based upon a faulty premise.

I'd be surprised except for the fact it's the only answer that makes sense.

Occam's Razor and all that.

Meanwhile, Andrew Explains What Cold Means

All tax season our young intern, Andrew, refuses to wear a coat no matter how cold it is. When questioned about this, he always replies "It's not cold out."

It's snowing today.

Coat for Andrew?


I think his ancestors were the same ones who said that 115 degree heat in Arizona wasn't really hot, but rather "dry heat."

Kind of Funny

A lot of people have been trying to buy soup from the shredder truck.

Cold Out This Morning

I can't feel my fingers.

But at least the back of my hand isn't freakishly red.

"Leggett" sort of rhymes with "Damn It!"

As predicted in the column a long time ago (Saturday), former Misfit Connie Leggett has won the 2009 NCCA Bracket Pool even though her team, Michigan State, got their sorry Big Ten asses kicked by a team from the South.

And even though she didn't pick the most correct games.

Great Oden's Raven it's not fair, but there you go. Well done, Connie. People who live in your neighborhood or who used to live in your neighborhood are now banned from participating.

If she doesn't collect her winnings by 10 am the Committee will assume she is too embarrassed and award the prize money to whoever finished second (i.e, the first loser).

Group Standings
Rank Team Name Score Correct Best Score Best Correct Champion
1 Connie Leggett 292 49 292 49 Michigan St. (112)
2 Greg Erickson 290 50 290 50 Louisville (150)
3 Leigh Anne Joseph 276 43 276 43 North Carolina (123)
4 Matthew McGowan 271 46 271 46 Louisville (168)
5 Robert Freeman 269 45 269 45 North Carolina (168)
6 Amy Holley 264 41 264 41 North Carolina (100)
7 Whitney Mcgowan 259 46 259 46 Louisville (167)
8 Buddy Hamilton 257 45 257 45 Louisville (173)
9 Phyllis Hodge 256 44 256 44 North Carolina (155)
10 Kristen Hicks 252 41 252 41 North Carolina (118)
11 Glenn Sharp 249 43 249 43 North Carolina (159)
12 danny pressley 249 46 249 46 Pittsburgh (142)
13 Kelly Fitzpatrick 244 43 244 43 North Carolina (123)
14 John Bailes 238 43 238 43 Pittsburgh (144)
15 Nelson Swainson 237 43 237 43 Louisville (155)
16 Christie Knapper 233 43 233 43 Duke (97)
17 Jake Hutchison 229 40 229 40 Pittsburgh (143)
18 Andrew Pitts 227 43 227 43 Memphis (179)
19 Hallie Richards 225 43 225 43 Pittsburgh (165)
20 Todd Bealer 224 39 224 39 North Carolina (155)
21 Adam Tinker 224 42 224 42 Connecticut (152)
22 Sandy Richards 223 42 223 42 Memphis (162)
23 Clay Irby 223 44 223 44 Pittsburgh (144)
24 Wade Knapper 222 43 222 43 Pittsburgh (149)
25 Jill Green 214 40 214 40 Oklahoma St. (143)
26 Jonathan Swainson 212 41 212 41 Louisville (171)
27 Allison Pressley 211 41 211 41 Memphis (158)
28 Joe Krumdieck 210 42 210 42 Pittsburgh (149)
29 Steve Richards 209 40 209 40 Louisville (167)
30 Mark King 208 40 208 40 Louisville (162)
31 Sarah Singleton 205 40 205 40 Memphis (138)
32 Matt King 204 40 204 40 Pittsburgh (126)
33 Jim McCollum 199 39 199 39 Louisville (134)
34 andrew hartung 195 40 195 40 Pittsburgh (119)
35 david young 192 35 192 35 Memphis (160)
36 Christine Bell 181 37 181 37 Pittsburgh (167)
37 Jessica Cooper 180 38 180 38 Memphis (188

Monday, April 6, 2009

What's Eating Gilbert Grape?

Looks more like who's eating Gilbert Goldfish?

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Movie/TV Show Ideas

So I yell up to Besty:

"Hey you remember last week when I told you I had an idea for a movie or a TV show and you said, 'That's actually good. You should write that down?'"

Besty: "Not really."

Another dream dies a slow and agonizing death.

Anyway, there is so much crap on TV that I think we ought to be able to come up with more stuff that is, like, good. I think about it constantly.

What if there was a show just about dreams people had. I'd call it "Dreams." You could have a new cast every week - like the old Twilight Zone - so production costs would be reasonable. You'd give a lot of actors, directors and writers work, so they should be happy. It's like a blank canvas; you could have raucously funny episodes and then serious episodes so you could win Emmy Awards and People's Choice Awards. (Although I never understood the People's Choice Awards. I mean, who the %$#@ is the Hollywood Foreign Press, anyway? Are they "the People"? I didn't vote for them, and neither did you. They are foreigners!. Who cares what they think? But I digress.)

The cool thing is that - say, unlike LOST - it doesn't have to make sense BECAUSE IT IS A *&^ %$#@ DREAM!

For years growing up I had this dream I could fly. Not like in Heroes. More like I would flap my arms like a bird to get off the ground (but it seemed perfectly natural) and then mostly I'd glide around like a hawk - only with a smaller nose. I had this real sensation of flight when I would wake up (which usually occurred shortly after I crashed). Man, I loved that dream. Too bad they don't have DVR for your dreams.

That's why it's a bloody good idea for a show. Just imagine the material you'd have to work with. You wouldn't even have to rely on writers. You could set up a web site and people could send in their dreams and you would pay them like $25,000 and the writers could take it and make a good, tight script and they could cast good looking people to play you, and then when you went to a bar people would say, "Hey, didn't [insert good looking actor/actress' name here] play you on Dreams last night?"

And you could go, "Yeah, but he/she is a lot shorter [because everyone in Hollywood except Tim Robbins is a dwarf]."

And then everyone would buy you drinks.

That's it.

I am writing HBO write now.

This is now copyrighted.

I Wish I Could Do This For a Living

That about covers it.

I Love a Good Single Malt Scotch

Just throwing out gift ideas.

I hate it when people say "I don't know what to get you."

With 9 Days To Go

I am reminded that me doing tax work is like baking soda working with vinegar.

Let's Do the Time Warp

JC Penney.

Circa 1977.

Just don't blame me if you are drinking milk and it comes out your nose when you start laughing.

Life is so good I can taste it in my spit

Not yet.

But almost.

We're born to live and then to die, and... we got to do it alone, each in his own way.

And we have to love those people in our lives who deserve it like there's no tomorrow.

Because when you get right down to it - there isn't.

My Conversation With DJ (continued)

DJ: [looking at a Due Date printout] It's almost Judgment Day, you know?
GE: No. What's that then?
DJ: Well, it's, you know, like the the final day on Earth, when mankind will be judged for the crimes they've committed and that. We file extensions. Plus it's Gilbert's birthday.
GE: Oh. But you intrigue me. Who gets into heaven and who gets into hell and all that?
DJ: Yeah, kind of like that. Until then, it's like....
GE: Purgatory.
DJ: Purgatory... what's that?
GE: Purgatory's kind of like the in-betweeny one. You weren't really bad, but you weren't all that great either. Like Wartburg.


DJ: Do you believe in all that stuff?
GE: About Wartburg?

In Which the Secret to Tax Season is Revealed

Debbie Jones: Did we or did we not agree that if I left you alone during tax season you'd do the things I needed to get done?
GE: Didn't we do all the things you wanted to do get done?
DJ: Yes, but I wanted them done without you throwing a *&^%ing moody, like a five year old who's dropped all his candy.
GE: We didn't agree to that.

Where is Marlon Perkins When You Need Him?

An Interview with Mark King

GE: Mark, you've never done well at this. Why do you play?
MK: It's a lot like breeding cattle.
GE: How so?
MK: The odds of winning are pretty slim.
GE: Well, maybe. But we don't have that many contestants?
MK: I know, but you have to like Gordon.
GE: Jeff Gordon?
MK: Yeah, he won today. He was due.
GE: I thought you were an Earnhardt guy?
MK: I am. But, well, you know.... Gordon would have six titles under the old system. Dale only had seven. I think this is Gordon's year.
GE: That's a nice jacket you are wearing.
MK: You like it?
GE: I do. Is it made of wool?
Mk: Yes, it is.
GE: Was it expensive? It looks expensive.
MK: No. It was quite reasonable.
GE: Where did you get it?
MK: MS McClelllan.
GE: Nice. One more question?
MK: Shoot.
GE: Do they make them for men?

Meanwhile, While We Ate Dinner

I tried GREAT ODEN'S RAVEN at dinner. It was received well by the boys; by Besty not so much.

Did I mention that Sam and Jack liked it? Great Oden's Raven - they loved it!

Anyway, we had filets for dinner, which Besty got a great deal on at Kroger. She gets two 10 oz steaks and we cut them in half. A little red wine, some green beans and some gnocchi with olive oil & parmesan cheese It's not as good as my fresh homemade gnocchi from freaking scratch, but it only takes about 4 minutes instead of 4 hours, so it's a worthwhile trade-off. Very Food Network; stellar presentation and great flavor

We had a family discussion about the morality of eating beef. We increasingly prefer good beef just medium rare, maybe a hair under medium rare. Besty told the boys she could understand why vegetarians felt the way they do.

Jack replies: "Yeah, I understand. Fun to pet. Better to chew." (And I am not making this up.)

Those darn kids!

Here's a Thought

Some time during the day, instead of cursing (or thinking about cursing), I want you to say, in a loud voice:


Let's start a trend.(T-shirt's are available.)

Before There Was Nike

Your sneakers were made by tire companies.

Makes sense to me. Unless you're not the casual type.

Years later the advertising industry recognized that insulting people in order to get them to wear gay sneakers was a bad move.

How do I know this?

Well, is B.F. Goodrich still in the sneaker business?

Check It Out

That's Former Senator, Former Rhodes Scholar, Former Final Four MVP Bill Bradley. I think the other guy is a dorkish version of the wolfman.

Or John Sandercock. THE John Sandercock.

John Sandercock has been in Sports Illustrated. Have you? Then stop laughing.

Clearly this is before "cool" was invented. Also before name changes were apparently legal in Great Britain.

What Your Bracket Looked Like in 1966

It's Not Lying If A Poll Supports Your Position


In a special election yesterday, a Southern Louisiana city of 22,000 overwhelmingly rejected photo enforcement. Asked, "Shall Ordinance No. 873, M-C Series adopting automated speed enforcement for the City of Sulphur, Louisiana, be repealed?" eighty-six percent of voters said "Yes." After results are certified on April 13, the Australian speed camera vendor Redflex Traffic Systems will be sent packing.

Sulphur's ballot box totals contrast sharply with public opinion survey results published by traffic camera vendor American Traffic Solutions (ATS). A review of ATS contracting arrangements with municipalities showed that ATS-sponsored polling is regularly offered as part of a suite of marketing services intended to promote the sale of automated ticketing machines. In a March 17 press release, for example, ATS insisted that camera opponents were the minority.

"A recent survey shows two-thirds of Missourians support police photo traffic enforcement using red-light cameras -- but that many of those supportive Missourians mistakenly assume the technology is not favored by most of their neighbors," the ATS release stated. "By a remarkable 66 percent to 30 percent margin, voters supported red light cameras."

In January, ATS hired Public Opinion Strategies to generate a similar survey showing 63 percent of Arizona voters supported speed cameras. Although traffic cameras frequently enjoy enthusiastic support in public opinion research sponsored by the industry, they have never once succeeded with voters on election day.

Real voters in Cincinnati, Ohio rejected red light cameras last November. Seventy-six percent of Steubenville, Ohio residents rejected photo radar in 2006. In less recent votes, speed cameras lost by a two-to-one margin in Peoria, Arizona and Batavia, Illinois. Anchorage, Alaska also rejected a photo radar program in 1997.

I mean, I didn't know that pollsters could ever be wrong. I certainly wouldn't have predicted this, unless, like, I ACTUALLY THOUGHT ABOUT IT FOR TWO SECONDS!

And I certainly would not expect President Obama to try anything like this.

Unless he thinks he can get away with it. Seriously, what's the big deal if the White House controls the 2010 census?

Is Obama Really That Dangerous?

You do the math.

Ironic that it took a black President to turn us all into slaves.

Leggett Wins!

It's over.

Sparked by the improbable rise of Michigan State, Connie Leggett has claimed the 2009 NCAA Basketball Pool Championship. The Championship game is now meaningless, unless North Carolina wins the game and the ever-expanding Leigh Ann Joseph somehow manages to overcome Connie's seemingly insurmountable 50 point lead.

In other news, President Obama announced a plan to tax all pool winners nationwide at 90% in order to prove to everyone that yes, he really is a *&^!@#%()>+/$ socialist.

I Told You So, Part 1

Banks forced to accepted TARP funds.

Public outrage over the whereabouts of TARP funds grows.

Banks who didn't want the money in the first place try to give it back.

President Obama rejects offer to return the funds.

Now, you ask, why would he do that? Isn't getting the money back a good thing?

Hmmm....perhaps the President wants total control over the banks.
And the auto industy.
And the health care industry?

But why?

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Other Fun Facts About Great Britain

So Obama goes to the G20 summit and has his crack staff give the press a briefing kit which explained that Great Britain was and island that was “slightly smaller than Oregon“.

Really? Oregon? It rains a lot in Oregon, so that works, but I think they have much better teeth there. Anyway, there really are lots of FUN FACTS ABOUT BRITAIN:

* There’s some confusion over the terms England, Britain, and UK. England is a country. Britain is an island comprised of England, Scotland, and Wales. UK is a very dirty word that’s missing two letters.

* There are over 30,000 John Smiths in Britain, including the Queen before she changed her name to Elizabeth.

* Britain’s emergency number is 999 instead of 911, which - over there - is the number for an adult chat line. This causes a lot of confusion for Americans who expect “what’s your emergency?” and get “what are you wearing?” instead.

* In 1745 the government made it illegal for Scotsmen to wear kilts. The ban remained in force until 1832. Anyone who’s seen a Scotsman on a windy day wishes it still were.

* The two favorite pastimes in Britain are drinking tea and frantically searching for a public toilet.

* In 2012 the Olympics will be held in London, with Britain being the favorite to win the gold in the 100 Meter Silly Walk.

* Although people often make fun of the tall, bearskin hats worn by the Royal Guard, it’s been scientifically determined that the hats are only 5% goofier-looking than Donald Trump’s combover. Plus Beefeaters is great gin.

* Every year in May, the town of Bognor Regis hosts its annual clown parade. A similar event takes place in the US, but we refer to it as Congress.

* Theatre Royal Bristol is the oldest continuously working theatre in Britain and has been staging “Cats” since 1766.

* Cheddar Cheese was discovered 800 years ago by accident when a milk maid allowed a pail of milk to go bad whilst being stored in the caves at Cheddar. Thus its nickname of “Stupid Lazy Wench Cheese”.

* Matthew Webb was the first person to successfully swim the English Channel. He left from Dover in 1875, arrived in France 22 hours later and immediately accepted the surrender of the frightened populace.

* The Hansom Cab (the first taxi) was invented and produced in the town of Hinckley by Joseph Hansom in 1835. He later invented the cab driver by founding the nation of Pakistan.

* Popular as a sandwich spread in Britain, Marmite, is a foul-smelling, brown, sticky paste reminiscent of congealed soy sauce, made from yeast-extract left over from the brewing process. It’s sold under the slogan, “It ain’t good, but at least it ain’t haggis”.
In Australia this is known as Vegemite and it's truly awful, which explains why Aussies have to have it when they have a a hangover.

* Nottingham is home to the smallest public cinema in the world. With only 22 seats, it’s perfect for the screening of any Michael Moore documentary.

Thanks to Frank J.

As If You Needed Proof

Russia's Dmitry Medvedev hailed Barack Obama as "my new comrade" Thursday after their first face-to-face talks.

My NEW Comrade?

I didn't want to believe it, but the evidence grows daily. Our President is a commie.

And "commie" is still a four letter word to me.

Although, to be fair, my name is a four letter word, too.

I Don't Like Cats

Yet I was moved to tears by this story. Definitely worth reading.

I guess that no matter how much life seems to suck at times there are always reminders that the love is the most powerful force in the universe.

But I still don't like cats.

Can Detroit Actually get Worse?

If Obama follows through (I am very doubtful), and actually puts the companies into bankruptcy, I'll be awfully impressed--it's hard for any president to give up Michigan, but especially for a Democrat who wants labor support.

So then the question is, what next? Which brands go?

Buick, for sure, and Pontiac.

Which plants close? And what is the government going to do to help autoworkers? They're not just out of a job--they're stuck in a state that will be absolutely devastated by these closures. Their houses will be worth almost nothing. What do you do with a 50-year-old auto worker who has lived in a factory town all his life?

There isn't another option, unfortunately. But the death of the UAW will be a good thing for the country.

Fascinating Graph

Seriously, I had no idea.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Tell Me That's Not...Mark King!

Our crack staff is scouring high school yearbooks as we speak, and you never know who might turn up.

I love this "internet" thing.

Name that Co-Worker!

Leggett Surges Toward the Lead

Former Misfit Connie Leggett, long known for her penchant for picking Big Ten Teams, has jumped into fourth place by choosing Villanova to make it all the way to the Final Four. Should Michigan State beat Louisville today, Leggett will almost certainly clinch the title.

This is Cleepy!

China's hi-tech 'death van' where criminals are executed and then their organs are sold on black market.

There has got to be a Vin Diesel or Jason Statham movie that comes out of this.

Oh wait....

Can't make this stuff up.

California. Land of Idiots.

Drunken motorcyclist hits wild boars on state highway.


Sue California. Obviously it's the state's fault.

State attorneys foolishly argue that they can't control wild animals, and, uh, HE WAS DRUNK.

Silly state attorneys!

Jury awards him $8.6MM.

Government of the people, by the people and for the people.

Normally I want to shoot the lawyers. This time I'd settle for shooting the jury.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Two Most Despicable and Dangerous People in America

In case you were wondering, Octomom finished fifth and OJ eleventh in the unscientific (but accurate!) poll.

I Know It's Blasphemous to Many

But Daniel Craig is the best Bond ever.

Sorry, Mr. Connery, but he's got better scripts and doesn't need as many gadgets.

In Case You Don't Get Cable

Jim Gaffigan - Waffle House - KING BABY Premieres March 29th!!

Not So Secret Facts Anout Your Co-Workers

Phyllis Hodge is NOT a secret Tony Stewart fan. She's a secret Carl Edwards fan. Asked why she can't like Edwards openly, Phyllis tells me "because he drives a FORD!"

Debbie Jones and Phyllis Hodge are participating in Dancing with the Stars and American Idol pools, respectively. Looks like they have finally outgrown Dungeons and Dragons. And that's a good thing.

Jake Hutchison is training for an MMA career.

Amy Holley recently had a 32 minute conversation with a life-size cardboard cut-out of John Krasinski at Blockbuster.

Randy Tindell is the WWF's Rey Mysterio.

In 1980, Angela Sparks played a dancing mermaid on The Love Boat. "That was the first job I ever had" she says. "I returned to college to finish my accounting degree after that, but it was fun. I really enjoyed meeting Gopher."

As a child, Bill Kelso wore tap shoes to bed.

Marianne Nichols' uncle wrote the song "Wild Thing" after baby-sitting Marianne for his brother.

Grey's Anatomy star Patrick Dempsey began his career as a juggling unicycle-riding clown, thus explaining a great deal about his relationship with Meredith.

When he was little, Adam Tinker asked his mom for a dog and she tested him by making him walk an imaginary pup for a week. Unfortunately, the imaginary dog ran away while he was at school one day.

Kelly Fitzpatrick was a stand-in for one of the Olsen twins during season 1 of Full House.

Greg Gilbert holds the Star Search record for the longest note by a child: 12.1 seconds.

Quickbooks...Uh, If by "Quick" you mean really slow

Tried to get on Quickbooks on the terminal server this am (with Kelly's "help").

Took 11 minutes to load.

I think they should rename it.

ShamWow Guy Arrested

ShamWow guy arrested.

Bill Kelso is a finalist to replace him.

Anger Issues?

Step on a crack, break your mother's back.

Step on your son's foot and he hurls a full can of soda at your head.

Probably Had Memphis, Duke and Syracuse in the Final Four.

In Which Steve Richards Feels Somewhat Better about His Bracket

See, it could be worse.

Not by a lot.

But still.

In Which I Worry About the Future of this Country

I Blame Oprah.

Or Howard Dean.

This is just wrong.

As if you needed proof

A confederacy of dunces, part II.

Besty wonders why I detest environmentalist so.

Name That Office !

A. Kathy Seagrist
B. Seagrist (Debbie has never called her Kathy and may not know her first name)
C. All of the above