Sunday, April 5, 2009

Meanwhile, While We Ate Dinner

I tried GREAT ODEN'S RAVEN at dinner. It was received well by the boys; by Besty not so much.

Did I mention that Sam and Jack liked it? Great Oden's Raven - they loved it!

Anyway, we had filets for dinner, which Besty got a great deal on at Kroger. She gets two 10 oz steaks and we cut them in half. A little red wine, some green beans and some gnocchi with olive oil & parmesan cheese It's not as good as my fresh homemade gnocchi from freaking scratch, but it only takes about 4 minutes instead of 4 hours, so it's a worthwhile trade-off. Very Food Network; stellar presentation and great flavor

We had a family discussion about the morality of eating beef. We increasingly prefer good beef just medium rare, maybe a hair under medium rare. Besty told the boys she could understand why vegetarians felt the way they do.

Jack replies: "Yeah, I understand. Fun to pet. Better to chew." (And I am not making this up.)

Those darn kids!

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