Let's assume for a second that there is a shred of evidence to suggest that a health care system with a substantial government component has merit to it.
For the record, I do support some health care reform. Of course, What I support has nothing in common with what the Dems in Congress have produced.
Let's assume further that the Government can do things cheaper and better (or at least as good as) than private entrepreneurs, without sacrificing the quality.
You with me? Let's go further and presume that Government can establish statutory wage limits for its executives that prevent the bloated salaries, super bonuses, perqs, and other sweetheart arrangements (like health insurance) that are part and parcel of the private entrepreneurial system.
Why in the world would we stop with the health care industry?
I mean, if Government could do those things, what's the downside?
WHAT? Are you implying that Government can't do those things?
Reality is a bitch, ain't it?
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