Saturday, February 13, 2010


I am not making this up (although it is from the NY Times so there is at least a 50% chance that THEY made it up). Americans are clearly in favor of repealing the infamous don't ask/don't tell policy for the military. Or not:

The results highlight the importance of wording on the issue. In a test, half of the poll’s respondents were asked their opinion on permitting “gay men and lesbians” to serve, and the other half were asked about permitting “homosexuals” to serve.

The wording of the question proved to make a difference. Seven in 10 respondents said they favor allowing “gay men and lesbians” to serve in the military, including nearly 6 in 10 who said they should be allowed to serve openly. But support was somewhat lower among those who were asked about allowing “homosexuals” to serve, with 59 percent in favor, including 44 percent who support allowing them to serve openly.

Democrats in the poll seemed particularly swayed by the wording. Seventy-nine percent of Democrats said they support permitting gay men and lesbians to serve openly. Fewer Democrats however, just 43 percent, said they were in favor of allowing homosexuals to serve openly. Republicans and independents varied less between the two terms.

I suspect the non-homosexual gays and lesbians in the military are breathing a sigh of relief.

I am not so sure what to make of the fact that self-proclaimed Democrats felt that gays and lesbians were fine, but homosexuals - no way!

Perhaps they aren't very bright? (ed.- you already said they were Democrats.)

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