For example, I don't understand women's fashion - well, any fashion, I guess - but especially women's fashion. I've sat through what...10 seasons ?... of Project Runway (which I watch solely for the fashion and not because Heidi Klum is the host), but I still don't get it. Stuff the judges like often looks like crap to me.
Betsy shakes here head when I say this. I am not fashion forward. I am a fashion retard, she tells me. And she's right.
Still, most of the time I think I'm right. For example, when 70s fashion started to creep back in to vogue my thought was "Isn't this the stuff you would wear as a joke to a 1970s party?" And it is. If it looked ridiculous in the 70s it looks ridiculous now.
Anything with the word "hippie" or "peasant" in its description makes you look like, well, a hippie or peasant. Hippies are not cute. Peasants smell like the French. Which, in turn, implies that wearing such clothes makes you look like a look like a poor person trying to buy weed with BO.
That can't be good. Yet, in the name of fashion, it is!
Anyway, in scouring the internet for "fun" stuff for my legion of readers, I came across these, and they inspired this post:
And now I am speechless and must return to my work. Discuss.
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