Friday, March 12, 2010

Reader Letters

Amy Sharp writes:

Why do you always say that Phyllis is upset about not winning the Theme Saturday contests? She doesn't seem that angry to me. She swears a lot normally.

Good question, Amy. Phyllis was hoping to build up some momentum heading into March Madness and it just hasn't worked out for her, so naturally she is a little disappointed. Perhaps even bitter.

Kind of like Ken.

You know, the guy that dated Barbie for 43 years and then all of a sudden she dumped him like 6 years ago or something.

Really upset a lot of people. I mean, it's the equivalent of Bella dumping Edward. AND THAT CANNOT HAPPEN!

Anyway, Barbie has been hanging out with a new doll named ''Blaine,'' an Australian surfer with one of those asymmetrical surfer-dude haircuts that make him look like he was attacked by Edward Scissorhands and the guy that cuts Thomas' hair at the same time. (Note to self - this might also explain Ellen Degeneres' haircut.) Blaine also has the kind of muscular physique that women do not find at all attractive, at least according to my wife whenever I ask her why she is staring at one of those PX90 infomercials.

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