Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Movie Review: Inglorious Basterds

Awesome movie. YOU.MUST.SEE.IT.

A little violent, but in that uniquely Quentin Tarantino over the top style that is laced with humor in a way that makes it tolerable.

A war movie in which the good guys (Americans) win. Can't believe Hollywood made it, actually. They could make the same movie today about hunting down al Queda using the exact same tactics (which, of course, is something I strongly advocate, especially the part where we carve stuff on the foreheads of those we don't kill so we can always identify them) and it would be a cause celebre among on the Left because it shows how rotten Americans are.

I have a new found respect for Brad Pitt, who I always thought was a great supporting actor trapped in a leading man's body. He should get an Academy Award nomination. Of course, he won't.


Footnote: Tarantino has Knoxville ties and usually has a reference in his films to K-Town. In this flick the reference is to Maynardville. How cool is that?

Note to Self: must work on all-time favorite movie list and guilty pleasure movie list.

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