Thursday, May 21, 2009

This is Just Crazy!

No, not Chris' shocking win over Adam on American Idol.

This. The headline says it all:

The obesity epidemic in the US is due solely to increased food intake

Melbourne, Australia - The amount of food Americans eat has been increasing since the 1970s, and that alone is the cause of the obesity epidemic in the US today. Physical activity—or the lack thereof—has played virtually no role in the rising number of expanding American waistlines, according to research presented at the 2009 European Congress on Obesity in Amsterdam last week.

First off, REALLY? What's next - the startling announcement that drug-abusing prostitutes in Thailand have a high risk of contracting HIV?

Second, lack of exercise played "virtually no role." WTF? Because I see 300 pounders running all the time. Did these imbeciles ever consider the origins of the term "couch potato"?

Third, yet another example of a vital study (which probably cost millions) that I could have handled for free AND YIELDED FAR MORE RELIABLE RESULTS!

GOD, WHY ARE YOU PUNISHING ME? Why did you put so many morons on earth at the same time as me?

But it gets better.

Lead author Dr Boyd Swinburn (an idiot from Deakin University in Melbourne, Australia) says that "If Americans want to get serious about winning the battle of the bulge, they are going to have to cut down on the amount of food they eat."

Wow. Totally did not see that coming.

Swinburn, who is director of the World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Obesity Prevention, (obviously an institution that should be stripped of all funding now that we have these results in hand), goes on to tell us that " it won't be easy" because "The food industry has done such a great job of marketing their products, making the food so tasty that it's almost irresistible, pricing their products just right, and placing them everywhere, that it is very hard for the average person to resist temptation. Food is virtually everywhere, probably even in churches and funeral parlors."

That's right. It's not our fault. We are all just victims of the evil food industry. Right away you know that Swinburn is your typical gasbag liberal douche bag who absolves individuals from all blame for their problems no matter how obvious it is that said problems are self-inflicted.

Dr. Swinburn, I'd like to offer a simple explanation to the problem.

To paraphrase Descartes, "If I eat [too much], therefore I'm fat." Eat less, exercise more.

Another problem solved. Boyd, you can suck it.

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