You know what is complete BS? We can’t say ‘actress’ anymore.
I was listening to the news this morning and they were talking about the "Oscar buzz." Then I did a double take when I heard the hostess refer to the "Best Supporting Female Actor" something like three times.
I know I am old, but doesn’t ‘actress’ MEAN an actor of the female gender? And isn’t ‘actress’ infinitely more elegant than ‘female actor’? Who starts this nonsense? Was it Oprah? It really, really pisses me off.
Gender is not a value judgment, it's a fact of life. There are men and women, boys and girls, AND THEY ARE NOT THE SAME! There is a term for people who do not understand this concept: IDIOT. That too is not a value judgment but a statement of fact.
This is one of many instances of the rampant stupidity that is ruining this country. When are we going to stand up and beat the crap out of those (figuratively) who are foisting this sort of retarded gibberish upon us?
What’s next? How about the skirt silhouette on the bathroom door? It’s not a judgment on preferred urinary posture. Its just information. The female pee-ers who encounter this very lucid icon are advised there’s a reasonable chance of finding some pee-free porcelain to sit on. Most women I know consider that vital information.
Moreover, if we’re going to carry every thing to its ideologically pure and correct extreme, why stop at just dropping ‘actress?’ What we should do is get rid of the Best Female Actor and Best Supporting Female Actor categories altogether. All you really need are the Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor since the very existence of gender specific categories is but a manifestation of the Plessy v. Ferguson "separate but equal" rule which is discriminatory, offensive and condescending to women.
We could shave a good twenty minutes off the Oscars.
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